Fungal toenails
Thickened & Infected
Service Description
I have successfully treated 1000, s of Fungal toenails with 97% success. Making an appointment & clearing the infection is the most important step. I have added some pictures further down this page, if you think you may have a fungal infection/ thickened toe nail/s please get in touch. Treatment: Consultation examination & assessment of your feet and the infected nail/s, A foot soak maybe necessary, treatment depends on the severity of the infected nail. The good news is even if you have had this condition for a while, it is successfully treated, and with regular foot care. Improvement can be seen in 1-3 treatments and your feet will stay happy & healthy. Fungal toenails or fingernails usually start with athlete's foot (tinea pedis) a fungal skin infection between your toes and foot. you may experience itching, red spots that are sometimes pussy, This can spread to your toenails & finger nails, if the skin infection is not treated early. it can lead to further complications and infection. Often the condition is just in one nail but several may be affected. The toenail thickens and the appearance can become unsightly Colour of the nail (often patches of white, yellow/green/black can appear where the nail is starting to lift from the nail bed ) which can lead to thickening of the nail. This infection can affect the rest of your body and wellbeing. Some people are more prone to these conditions than others, no one is immune to infection or nail trauma etc, but some high risk patients are also more prone, especially (diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, immunosuppression, genetic predisposition), but can also be from incorrectly fitted footwear, sports activity, running etc Please note this infection can affect your whole body and well-being. This fungal infection is circulated around in your blood stream, if you had an infection in any other part of your body, normally a visit to the Doctor would be required.

Cancellation Policy
PLEASE NOTE - If you need to cancel or change your appointment please call my receptionist on 07832 127 433 EMAIL ARE NOT ALWAYS ANSWERED THE SAME DAY APPOINTMENT CANCELLATION POLICY AGREEMENT My Happy Feet are committed to providing exceptional care. Unfortunately, when one patient cancels without giving enough notice, they prevent another patient from being seen. Please call us on 07832 127 433 by 2:00 p.m. on the day prior to your scheduled appointment to notify us of any changes or cancellations. To cancel a Monday appointment, please call our office by 5:00pm on Friday. If prior notification is not given you will be charged £20.00 for the missed appointment. If there are genuine circumstances as to why you cant attend your appointment, please call the reception at your earliest convenience. Charges will only be applicable at the managements discretion.
Contact Details
Adlington Business Park, Adlington, Macclesfield SK10 4NL, UK